Eclipse Readings Available until Sept 28

Uranus Rx + Pluto's Last Stand in Capricorn

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2024

September 1 is a big day in the cosmos, as two of the outer planets, Uranus and Pluto, make major moves.

Pluto's Last Stand in Capricorn
September 1 - November 17, 2024

Pluto is making it's final journey through Saturn's earth sign of Capricorn before it re-enters the air sign of Aquarius for good for the next 20 years.

Those with Capricorn placements - and on some level the other earth signs Taurus and Virgo as well - will be reminded of how they experienced the initiation of disempowerment and volcanic empowerment of Pluto since 2008.

The Phoenix rising from the ashes is now part of their own personal mythology and this is a strength to draw from for the rest of their days. These next two and a half months can be re-assuring in some ways, but will also be a reality check that no matter how much one has overcome and accomplished, Pluto moving into new territory in 2025 and beyond means there's no re-living past glories as new ambitions...

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Aquarius Full Moon Square Uranus!

Uncategorized Aug 17, 2024

There’s so much going on in the skies right now, and as the Full Moon is aligning on Aug 19, events are coming to a major turning point.


The Sun in warm, generous Leo opposes the Moon in cool, detached Aquarius. Personal desires for fun and play may have to contend with the greater good of the group or community.

The Sun-Mercury Rx Cazimi offers a momentary realization from rx confusion. Information is revealed of an issue from the past or a weakness in the system. Mercury rx often reveals tricksters so reset those passwords and pay attention to truths and deceptions.

The T-square with Uranus in Taurus will bring surprises and shocking events. The erratic energy is palpable now and we’re being liberated from our complacency.

The Fixed signs don’t easily budge, but this is a moment of shattering paradigms. Creative breakthroughs are possible now!


Venus-Saturn can bring difficulty in relating as...

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Mars-Uranus Unexpected Twists in Store

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2024

Mt Etna erupting. A shock French election result. The UK Labour government reversal of fortune.

Many of the recent major news events have been surprising and unexpected or have an erratic quality to them which correlates to the coming
 Mars-Uranus conjunction at 26 Taurus, exact July 15. The recent Neptune station retrograde at 29 Pisces also figures in the sweeping quality of these historic events, however, I sense Uranus as the catalyst for the unexpected.

On a personal level, ever since Uranus entered Taurus in 2019, this part of our chart has felt a lot less secure and stable. Those who have Taurus personal planets know what I'm talking about, there's no room for complacency when Uranus, the Great Awakener, insists you get up to speed.

Mars already appears to be igniting the chaotic Uranian energy and when they come together, we'll likely be in for more earthquakes and surprises. Mars in Taurus is likened to a bull, not quick to get moving...

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Getting back to my podcast roots

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2024

In today's podcast episode, I thought this Capricorn Full Moon (on my Sun/AC) would be the perfect time to 're-define' who I am and what I'm about. I share with you a new direction that I'm taking with the podcast. Well, it's actually not new... it's returning to the original intention of when I started the podcast - which was actually back in 2017!

Instead of doing the weekly astrological weather - which so many other astrologers are doing, and many brilliantly - I'm going back to my original love of discussing astrology in depth. What that means is, looking at themes of life and the collective through the lens of astrology as well as looking at astrology techniques in depth.

Astrology can be used in numerous ways, but the way I apply astrology is toward helping people heal. It has an amazing capacity to allow us see ourselves more clearly, and to feel seen. Astrology can help people align with a purpose, reveal our emotional patterns and explore our potential.

I also provide...

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Cancer Solstice + Capricorn Full Moon

Uncategorized Jun 20, 2024

The Sun enters Tropical Cancer today, Thursday, June 20 at 4:51 pm EST, activating the Solstice. Cancer is the sign of comfort-seeking. Home, family, belonging, self-care, emotional needs and coziness will be the focus until July 22, so now is the time to make the most of these themes.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we're experiencing the Summer Solstice, the longest day, while our friends in the Southern Hemisphere are in the Winter Solstice, the longest night. At this time, the Sun stands still as it prepares to shift direction, so take some time to pause and reflect on your purpose and vitality, which the Sun represents. 

The ancient Romans celebrated the solstice with tributes to Vesta and the Vestal virgins, goddess of the hearth, home and sacred sexuality. Around the world, people celebrated the Sun with dance, ritual and festivities to give thanks for the bounties of nature, many of which still continue in some form today.

What makes this year's Cancer...

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Gemini New Moon + Venus Cazimi + Square Saturn in Pisces

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2024

The New Moon in Gemini on Thursday, June 6 at 8:37 am EST at 16 degrees begins a lunar cycle of prolific fertility as Venus is the heart of Sun, not long after her Cazimi is exact. Gemini, sign of the twins, is eager to spread the message of Venusian beauty, art, friendship, love and pleasure. However, a square from authoritative Saturn in sacred Pisces restricts the glee, reigning in distractions to serve a greater responsibility. The alchemy of temperance is a theme this lunar cycle in order to balance the dispersive air energy with the demands of constructive Saturn.

This lunation cycle is seeding a month of busyness, distraction and overwhelm, such is the nature of the Gemini stellium which features the Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. We may have no choice but to juggle numerous tasks and relationships, which, while it can be a fun and sociable time it can be a challenge to focus and accomplish our goals.

Management guru Jim Collins famously noted, "If you...

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Sagittarius Full Moon: Inspired Generosity

Uncategorized May 22, 2024

"We are evolving from five-sensory humans into multisensory humans...

From the perception of the five sensory human, we are alone in a universe that is physical.

From the perception of the multisensory human, we are never alone. And the universe is alive: conscious, intelligent and compassionate."
-Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul

The Full Moon in Sagittarius aligns on Thursday, May 23 at 2 degrees Sagittarius at 6:53 AM Pacific / 9:53 AM Eastern. Sagittarius is the Jupiter-ruled Fire sign associated with seeking higher truth and wisdom. 

Symbolized by the archer who aims high to achieve lofty aspirations, there's an adventurous quality to this sign which thrives on inspiration and enthusiasm for new horizons. This can be an uplifting time, especially as the benefics Venus and Jupiter come together in Taurus to offer material blessings.

Jupiter, the ruler of the Full Moon is wrapping up its year-long transit in Taurus. Fresh off of the conjunction with electric Uranus, Jupiter...

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Scorpio Full Moon square Pluto: Buddha Moon

full moon scorpio Apr 19, 2024

Today, Mars in Pisces sextiles the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, activating its breakthrough energy as they exactly align tomorrow. I don't know about you, but I haven't been sleeping well the past few nights and just generally feel buzzed and restless.

This is a time to be aware of the revolutionary shifts in our lives and in the collective. The Jupiter-Uranus is exact on my South Node, meaning Mars is trining my North Node in Scorpio! That's probably the catalyst that inspired me to launch my Lunar Nodes course which starts May 25.

And speaking of Scorpio, we're coming up on the Scorpio Full Moon square powerful Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday, April 23. It was a Scorpio Full Moon that the Buddha attained enlightenment, meditating under the Bodhi tree which is perfectly symbolic of his metamorphosis from indulged prince living a life of luxury, sequestered from the sorrows of the world into an entirely new identity of one who renounced the...

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Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction: Expansive Breakthrough

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2024

Now that we've passed through the Total Solar Eclipse portal, we're in the waxing phase of this New Moon cycle and the impulse and urgency for new beginnings is heating up. Tune into what's brewing in your soul and the creative fire asking to be kindled.

The sky gods, Jupiter and Uranus, are both being activated by the Taurus Moon today as they move closer to their union at 21 Taurus on April 20. Jupiter represents expansion, abundance, hope and ideals and Uranus brings innovation, surprise, freedom and breakthrough. Jupiter expands Uranus and Uranus electrifies Jupiter.

Jupiter last opposed Uranus in September 2017 when Jupiter was at 27 Libra and Uranus at 27 Aries. The last time they conjoined was June 8, 2010 at 0 Aries.

Now, they come together to seed an entirely new cycle of possibility in Venus' Earth sign of Taurus, whose focus is on the values which are the foundation upon which we build our lives and sense of security. It's the...

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Libra Lunar Eclipse // Resolving Karmic Contracts

Libra Lunar Eclipse
Monday, March 25
12:00 AM PDT / 3:00 AM EDT
5 degrees Libra / Aries

As the Moon waxes toward an opposition with the exalted Aries Sun, they're aligning for 
Monday's lunar eclipse in Libra. A lunar eclipse is a full moon within 12 degrees of the nodal axis, which signifies shifts of fate and re-alignment of destiny. 

The South Node and Moon in Libra suggest relationships, agreements and negotiations needing resolution. Assumptions we've been operating on in relationships may be revealed. Issues of fairness and equality are important, and with the Sun in Aries, there's a focus on purpose and self-interest. Something is coming to a culmination which may have a bittersweet tone to it, especially if its time is ending or transitioning into a new phase. The South Node offers a release of burdens or it can invite helpful influences from the past but with a sense that they have served their purpose. 

Venus is the ruler of this lunar...

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