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Scorpio Full Moon | Deep Transformation

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2021

Scorpio Full Moon
Monday, April 26
8:32 pm PDT / 11:32 pm EDT
7 degrees Scorpio / Taurus

The Scorpio Full Moon illuminates the shadows and the undiscovered treasures hidden in the depths, concealed from the light of day. The Scorpio archetype of metamorphosis teaches us that there's more to life than mere survival, as depicted by its opposite sign of Taurus. The impulse for rebirth arises from the depths for a cathartic release and an awakening to new levels of truth.

As a Fixed sign, Scorpio has strong impulses for resistance and secrecy. The urge to emote can be met with an equally strong urge to resist it. Perhaps there's a fear of one's own intensity or the overwhelming power of unconscious forces that could be unleashed if an opening to the emotional depths was permitted. 

Yet, at this Full Moon, an aspect with magical Neptune may help to dissolve the stubbornness of the Fixed energy and smoothly dislodge any blocks toward the expression of inner material...

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ARIES NEW MOON | Transformative Self-Advocacy

Uncategorized Apr 10, 2021

Aries New Moon
22 degrees Aries
Sunday, April 11 at 7:30 pm PT / 10:30 pm ET
Monday, April 12 at 2:30 am GMT

After the aimlessness of the waning Moon in Pisces, a new cycle of Aries fire rekindles the life force at this purifying and defiant Aries New Moon. Eris, the goddess of strife is conjoined to the New Moon, and her presence illuminates the strength of will and clarity of purpose when one is unafraid to challenge the status quo.

Instinctive Mars, the ruler of the Aries New Moon, is sextile the Sun, boosting confidence. Mars is emerging from a disorienting square with Neptune, and the overwhelm and confusion from the past week is giving way to more vigor in multi-tasking Gemini. He's heading for a trine with expansive Jupiter in collective Aquarius on April 17 amplifying the drive toward courage, optimism and belief in future possibilities. Collective movements can be energized, carried forward and have a widespread impact.

Venus is allied to audacious Eris, and the goddess of...

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Podcast | Healing Shame Will Heal Our World with Georgia Takacs

podcast Apr 02, 2021
Radiant Astrology
Podcast | Healing Shame Will Heal Our World with Georgia Takacs

In this episode of The Radiant Astrology Podcast, my guest is astrologer Georgia Takacs who discusses how healing shame can heal our world. Shame is embedded in so much of our lives which affects our relationships, parenting, and how we relate to money and survival. 

We pay homage to the ultimate truthteller around shame, Dr. Brene Brown. Georgia has studied Dr. Brown's teachings on shame and how it's perpetuated through judgment and secrecy. She shares with us how shame is at the root of our feelings of scarcity and the false belief of our innate unworthiness.

We reflect on Chiron the Wounded Healer and the inner wound of shame as well as the current transit of Uranus in Taurus and our shifting value systems. As shame and scarcity are inherent to the capitalist system, how we can transform ourselves and the systems we support that uphold society?

Georgia Takacs will be a presenter in our upcoming summit, The Astrology of Awakening II: Renewal of Hope,...

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starcast Apr 01, 2021

The first half of April burns brightly and is dominated by the fiery archetype of Aries. As Aries season seeks a fresh start, a series of squares with Pluto in Capricorn intensifies efforts to transform. Eris, the goddess of strife is awakened as Venus, the Sun and Mercury move through the fiery territory of late Aries.

Venus in Aries squares Pluto on the Aries New Moon on the 11th, magnetizing the power of relationships and creativity as a cycle of rebirth is seeded. The Sun's square to Pluto on the 16th is an intensification of purpose and ambition. Mercury's square to Pluto on the 17th empowers the mental realm and the urge to investigate deeply and speak with the force of power.

The energy shifts as Venus enters her rulership of Earthy Taurus on the 14th, soon followed by Mercury and the Sun on the 19th. Taurus seeks a more stable ground and less combativeness than Aries, however, as these planets make their way to conjunctions with Uranus,...

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Libra Full Moon | Mutations of Love

Uncategorized Mar 27, 2021

"One day there will be girls and women whose name will no longer just signify the opposite of the male but something in their own right, something which does not make one think of any supplement or limit but only of life and existence: the female human being.

This step forward... will transform the experience of love, which is now full of error, alter its root and branch, reshape it into a relation between two human beings and no longer between man and woman.

And this more human form of love (which will be performed in infinitely gentle and considerate fashion, true and clear in its creating of bonds and dissolving of them) will resemble the one we are struggling and toiling to prepare the way for, the love that consists in two solitudes protecting, defining and welcoming one another.”

- Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 - 1926)

The Full Moon on March 28 at 2:48 pm EDT at 8 degrees Libra/Aries is an illumination of the transformative power of love and humility. Wounded hearts yearn...

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Podcast | Jupiter in Pisces with Tara Aal

podcast Mar 26, 2021
Radiant Astrology
Podcast | Jupiter in Pisces with Tara Aal

In this episode of The Radiant Astrology Podcast, my guest is Evolutionary Astrologer and artist, Tara Aal. We discuss the meaning of Jupiter as an archetype and its transit through Pisces, the sign of its traditional rulership. 

As a native Jupiter in Pisces in the 12th house, Tara shares her insights on Jupiter as an indicator of untapped potential as well as one's own connection to the numinous.

The dates of the upcoming transit of Jupiter in Pisces are:
May 13 - July 29, 2021
December 28, 2021 - May 10, 2022
October 28, 2022 - December 20, 2022

Tara Aal will be one of our presenters at our upcoming summit The Astrology of Awakening II: Renewal of Hope, April 15 - 18, 2021 where she'll present Jupiter: Your Path, Frequency, and Chart Spirit Ruler.

This FREE 4-day online summit features a diverse group of 20 female astrologers sharing fresh perspectives, inspiring insights on the transformative power of astrology.

About Tara Aal
Tara Aal is an evolutionary astrologer,...

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Archetypal Astrology + Carl Jung with Dr. Becca Tarnas

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2021
Radiant Astrology
Archetypal Astrology + Carl Jung with Dr. Becca Tarnas

In this episode of The Radiant Astrology Podcast, my guest is Archetypal Astrologer Becca Tarnas, PhD.

In my interview with Dr. Tarnas, she illuminates how archetypal astrology expands the concepts of the planetary forces active in the experience of the individual psyche as well as the collective. We can see them present in the experience of one’s inner life as well as the broader context of history.

Becca is also a scholar of Carl Jung who developed the concept of the archetypes, originated from Plato, and I ask her about how Jungian depth psychology informs her work as an archetypal and counseling astrologer.

We also explore this year’s Saturn-Uranus squares and how they may manifest in collective transformation through ‘schisms’ of conflicting philosophies and viewpoints.

Dr Tarnas will be our Keynote speaker in The Astrology of Awakening II: Renewal of Hope, a free online summit April 15 - 18. Get your free tickets at ...

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Pisces New Moon | Indulgent Escape

Uncategorized Mar 12, 2021

The New Moon in Pisces arrives March 13 at 2:21 am PST / 5:21 am EST at 23 degrees, inviting a necessary retreat and an indulgent escape. 

As the Sun and Moon are separating from their dissolving contact with Neptune, this New Moon period is infused with fantasy. We may feel spent or depleted. The life force is calling for rest and rejuvenation, perhaps after a period of overwhelming activity.

New Moons are always times of renewal, when the cycle of the Moon comes to a close and the circle of life and growth begins again. In Pisces, there is most likely a necessary ending, of a relationship, a pattern or a karmic tie. Before we can create the magic of a new cycle, we must clear space and resolve the ghosts of the past.

Loving Venus is exalted in Pisces and is joining mystical Neptune this night. The yearning for love, acceptance and pleasure can be overwhelming and perhaps impossible to satiate. Venus yearns for something beyond, to indulge...

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The Astrology of 2021 with Wendy Stacey

podcast Mar 12, 2021
Radiant Astrology
The Astrology of 2021 with Wendy Stacey

// Free registration is open for the Astrology of Awakening Summit, April 15 - 18,
save 50% on the Summit All-Access Pass until March 20.
// Chiron Evolution Astrology Readings are available until March 20.
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[Podcast] Astrology of 2021 with Wendy Stacey
My returning guest on this week's podcast is legendary astrologer Wendy Stacey of the Mayo School of Astrology in the UK. Wendy has an excellent way of envisioning the influences of the planetary cycles on society and our personal lives. We take a look at some of the most significant transits and their correlations in society for 2021.

Some of the topics covered in this episode include:
• The continued influence of Pluto near the end of Capricorn and its expression in fear, anxiety and forces of power
• The clash of Saturn in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus in science, climate change and philosophical conflicts
• The healing potential of...

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March 2021 Starcast

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2021

As we glide into March, we sense the momentum gaining traction toward a new season and a new horizon. Lots of Mutable energy keeps us on our feet and all planets are direct, providing a sense of progress in the air.

Mars’ entry into Gemini on March 4 shifts the action planet from the plodding Earth of Taurus into the Air sign of Gemini where he’s quicker on his feet and able to pivot and respond more nimbly. While this can be a welcome change from the past couple of months of drudgery, we’ll want to watch our combative knee-jerk reactions, especially in communication, as Mars squares Mercury.

The first half of March has a numinous quality as the Sun, Venus, and eventually Mercury dance with dreamy Neptune in ethereal Pisces. Neptune elevates to ordinary into the ideal, a yearning for romance, or a soul craving for inspiration beyond this world. The Pisces New Moon seeks escape, retreat and a sweet reset.

We're in between the eclipse seasons of Nov/Dec...

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