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Pluto's final direct station in Capricorn

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2024

Pluto, Lord of the Underworld - a place where death reigns and riches buried deep underground lie - is stationary direct at the anaretic degree 29 of Capricorn.

The final degree of a sign intensifies the urgency to distill the experience of that archetype. As old structures disintegrate, they attempt to exert control before a metamorphosis occurs.

Pluto empowers yet also exposes corruption. Since 2008, Plutocratic elites, autocratic leaders and capitalist greed were emboldened.

In our own lives, our Capricorn house demanded discipline, increased responsibility and authority, yet now is a time to ask - what was all this hard work in service to? Where is the Soul in my goals and achievements? 

November 19, Pluto re-enters Aquarius saying goodbye to Capricorn, and the other Cardinal signs, for the final time. Pluto’s transit through Aquarius through 2043 will shift the urge for power to collective movements. As a fixed sign it will require sustained efforts and powerful determination in order to affect progressive change.

Mercury in Libra is squaring Pluto, intensifying focus. Agreements may need to be revised and assumptions exposed. This is a time for profound conversations, powerful dealings and revelations of hidden strategies. Mentally grappling with psychological material can be richly rewarding now.

Cosmic blessings,


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