Eclipse Readings Available Until March 24

Leo Full Moon Square Uranus: Creative Rebellion

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2025

Leo Full Moon
February 12, 2025
24 degrees Leo / Aqua
5:53 AM PST / 8:53 AM EST

“Ultimately, the artist and the revolutionary function as they function, and pay whatever dues they must pay behind it because they are both possessed by a vision, and they do not so much follow this vision as find themselves driven by it. Otherwise, they could never endure, much less embrace, the lives they are compelled to lead.”

ā€• James Baldwin

As the full moon ripens in the dramatic fire sign of Leo, it jolts the mind and heart as it forms a T-square with erratic Uranus. Leading up to the Feb 12 Full Moon, the Mercury-Uranus square on Feb 10 liberates the mental realm from business as usual. It's a time to shake things up from a sense of complacency of the mind and communication.

We may be compelled by a creative vision that insists on doing things in bold new ways. There's an electricity in the air which can be disrupting and exciting. Uranus-Mercury makes me think of the phrase "move fast and break things" that has become a catchphrase for innovation, however, it's not necessarily as good advice as "move swiftly and create things" that is less prone to leaving damage in one's wake.

In any case, the energy Uranus brings can shatter what lies in its path, and when it clashes with Mercury in the fixed signs of Aquarius/Taurus, it can be expressed as righteous of fixed ideas clashing with others beliefs.

Feb 11, the Sun in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus which can bring disruptions in our sense of identity or with authority figures if we feels limited in our ability to be truly self-expressed. This is a time to question if the role you play in your life aligns with your authentic self and sense of purpose. It's a rebellious energy that can be quite liberating, but we first must come to terms with our role in the collective (Aquarius) versus our real needs for survival (Taurus).

There may be a great deal of internal questioning as Mercury is under the beams of the Sun, which can bring a deep sense of self focus and hidden agendas which may not be revealed until the end of the month when it emerges from the Sun's shadow. February 24, Mercury begins to gain in light while Mars will also be stationing direct, so the internal questioning now may then be more clear and ready for action.

The full moon in Leo on Feb 12 heightens the electricity as it forms a T-square to rebellious Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the great awakener and evolutionary force that demands we do not stand in the way of change and asks that we not take things personally - but oh, the Leo Moon takes things very personally, indeed!

The archetype of Leo is the special one, the star, the king, the divine child and in some ways we all possess the need to be recognized for our specialness, however, with the Sun in the opposite sign of Aquarius where it is in detriment, there may be a desire to claim one's own identity and special gifts that elevate one from a sense of mediocrity or purposelessness. At its best, it could be an awakening of creative energy that only you possess which can be put toward a greater purpose that for your own egoic needs, but can be of service to the greater collective evolution.

These are Pluto in Aquarius times and all of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are in the alchemy of metamorphosis, but especially Aquarius and Leo which is the battle between the king (Leo) and the collective (Aquarius). These are the most creative signs and whatever your creative vehicle, now is the time for it to be activated and unleashed in bold new ways.  

At this Leo Full Moon, look back to the Leo New Moon on August 4, 2024 and to the Leo New Moon conjunct Venus rx on August 16, 2024 for insight into what creative desires were being seeded at those times. Venus will begin it's retrograde in Aries on March 1, 2025 and we may find that our creative energies are pulled toward past desires that are calling for a reincarnation.

If you'd like personalized insight on your life and creative potential, you can get the most from a 1 on 1 astrological consultation with me by booking an astrology reading at 

Full Moon blessings,
Christina Caudill

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