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Total Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon aligns:
March 13 at 11:54 pm PST
March 14 at 2:54 am EST
24 degrees Virgo/Pisces
The Full Moon of March 13-14 forms a Total Lunar Eclipse 'Blood Moon' in the discerning sign of Virgo. It will be mostly visible over the Americas and parts of Africa, East Asia and Europe. Lunar eclipses catalyze culminations, facilitate significant emotional processing, and offer profound clarifications. At a time of such Piscean chaos and confusion, the Virgo Lunar Eclipse trine Uranus offers a moment of liberating clarity.
This particular eclipse highlights themes that have been developing since the Virgo New Moon of September 2, 2024, particularly within the areas of life governed by Virgo and the corresponding house in your natal chart.
A focus on issues of health, duty, competence and shifting emotional needs are at the forefront of this eclipse. The visual phenomenon of the Moon turning a crimson hue during totality can evoke an ominous sense of intensity. This eclipse, lasting approximately six hours, will have a sustained influence over the following six months. While the energy's intensity will peak in the days leading up to the event, its transformative effects will continue to unfold gradually over time.
On a societal level, the Moon represents the collective emotional landscape, suggesting heightened emotional reactivity in the collective. Given that Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, stations retrograde on March 15, it is important to prioritize self-care of your nervous system and manage heightened stress.
While Virgo's nature can be worrisome, it also possesses a love of order. Establishing healthy routines, organizing your environment or engaging in acts of service can be very healing. The presence of the South Lunar Node asks for purging which can be in the form of going on a light fast - of unhealthy foods or social media - or by cleaning out your closet and donating unneeded items to charity.
As this is a South Node lunar eclipse, it signifies a period of release and the completion of a cycle. The South Node represents past patterns, and with Mercury stationing retrograde, we are presented with an opportunity to revisit and process these patterns. Therefore, expect that individuals or information from the past may play a role in this period of purification.
The Virgo Moon's trine with Uranus in Taurus introduces an element of surprise and the possibility of radical shifts. While Earth signs often prefer established routines, this lunar eclipse invites us to release entrenched patterns and explore new avenues for progress. It is an opportunity to liberate ourselves from the past and embrace positive change. Remember to be kind to yourself during this time of transition.
On the Piscean side of the eclipse, the Sun's conjunction with Saturn suggests a sense of karmic responsibility. Their alignment with Neptune can contribute to feelings of overwhelm, confusion, and a sense of dissolving structures. However, the North Node indicates that there is potential for evolutionary growth, even if it is not immediately apparent.
During this period, Venus's retrograde in Aries, approaching a conjunction with Mercury, can present complications in social interactions and relationships. While the impulse to connect with others may be strong, a focus on personal interests may overshadow the pursuit of mutually beneficial outcomes. Given that Venus will remain retrograde throughout the eclipse season, our relational patterns and significant connections are poised for profound transformation, potentially reshaping our desires and alliances. This offers an exploration of our motivations and approach to our interactions, ultimately leading to greater clarity and understanding in our relationships.
To gain insight on how the eclipses will impact your natal chart and destiny, purchase an Eclipse Transformation Reading or book an astrology reading.
Path of Visibility courtesy
Astrological alignment for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
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