Emotional Recalibration
Friday, March 18, 2022
12:17 am PT / 3:17 am ET
27 Virgo/Pisces
Tonight's Virgo Full Moon aligns with the archetype of purity and perfection, as well as the distortions and anxieties inherent in the striving for perfection, intensified by a trine to Pluto.
Friday, benevolent Jupiter finally emerges from under the Sun's beams and we may feel a sense of hopefulness arising.
The Virgo Moon opposes Neptune which may make us highly sensitive. Emotional distortions and anxieties such as having too many tasks to complete with not enough bandwidth to cope. Or misunderstanding others' intentions which may not even be based upon truth or reality. Fortunately, this won't last long if we can allow the temporary paranoia to subside.
The Moon in Virgo tends to find grounding and soothing when focusing on one task at a time, which tames the chaos into practical, clean order.
Realizing the world won't fall apart just because something remains undone or imperfect can help to recalibrate one's emotional reality.
Two weeks ago, the New Moon in Pisces was conjunct Jupiter and while normally this would signal optimism and abundance, it seems the Mars-Venus-Pluto triple conjunction may have overshadowed the hopefulness, for a time.
But as the saying goes, you don't eat the fruit the same day you plant the seed. And if the New Moon was the seeding, the Full Moon offers an opportunity to blossom.
Now, as Jupiter emerges from being under the Sun's beams, the strength of Jupiter will continue to expand. Leading up to this weekend's Aries Equinox and the start of the astrological New Year, we may find new reasons to be hopeful.