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September 2022 Starcast

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2022

Sept 5 Venus enters Virgo
Sept 9 Mercury Rx 8 Libra
Sept 10 Pisces Full Moon at 17 degrees
Sept 22 Sun enters Libra / Equinox
Sept 22 Sun Conjunct Mercury Rx
Sept 23 Mercury Rx re-enters Virgo
Sept 25 Libra New Moon at 2 degrees
Sept 29 Venus enters Libra
Oct 2 Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo

We begin 
September in Virgo season, a time to attend to more practical matters after the excesses of Leo season. Virgo seeks to refine, improve, organize and serve. Pleasure goddess Venus transitions from dramatic Leo to humble Virgo Sept 2 where partnerships, money and pleasure are enjoyed responsibly and practically. Venus conjoins the royal star Regulus this day, a time for Venus themes to be elevated and honored.

As we enter September, the social planets - Jupiter and Saturn - as well as the transpersonal planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - are all retrograde and there may be a sense that we're at the mercy of greater forces. When all planets are direct, we tend to have a sense of forward momentum, yet now we may feel like we're adrift or on pause. In times like these, we naturally tend to turn inward and reflect. We allow patience to guide us. When we feel powerless to control outer events, we realize the the only real control we have is in understanding ourselves.

This is the prevailing atmosphere when Mercury takes it's retrograde journey from Sept 9 starting in Libra until October 2 where it will be back in Virgo. When an inner planet such as Mercury goes retrograde, we tend to experience this indirect motion more personally. Yes, the trickster will have some of the usual technical mishaps in store, but what makes this period meaningful is the urge to reflect, rethink, revise and, hopefully, resolve past issues.

Mercury in Libra is concerned with relationships, equality, justice and business. We may need to reevaluate our partnerships and agreements to determine if they're truly fair. Contracts at this time may need attention to detail as Mercury rx can tend to distort communication, language and meaning.

The Pisces Full Moon on Sept 10 transcends the mundane as we seek comfort through dreams, imagination and the mystical realms. We may want to retreat into our own private world that offers an escape from the chaos and confusion. Compassion, sacredness and sacrifice can be a balm for the yearnings of the soul.

The Libra Equinox on Sept 22 shifts the season into Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere, a time to re-balance extremes. On the same day, Mercury rx enters the heart of the Libra Sun, marking the midpoint of its retrograde and illuminating important themes in rethinking partnerships. 

Mercury rx then re-enters Virgo Sept 23 and our efforts to revise seek more precision. Mercury in perfectionist Virgo can tend to heighten anxiety and when it's retrograde, this can be emphasized even more so and may take some managing. Virgo is also the sign of health and healing, so health matters may need to be reviewed and healthy habits, reformed.

The Libra New Moon Sept 25 is a fresh start for partnerships and alliances. Expansive Jupiter in Aries opposes the New Moon activating new beginnings with an optimistic outlook toward the future, although we'll want to be careful of promising more than we can realistically deliver. 

Love goddess Venus enters her relational sign of rulership Sept 29 offering a pleasant influence to our partnerships and social graces. As Venus is conjoined with Mercury retrograde, we may want to experiment creatively or with the alliances we form, however, we may not yet have all the necessary information which will be more apparent after Mercury goes direct Oct 2.

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