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Pisces Lunar Eclipse | Transcendence

Uncategorized Sep 17, 2024

Pisces Lunar Eclipse
September 17, 2024
25 degrees Pisces / Virgo
7:35 PM PDT / 10:34 PM EDT

The Pisces Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse with the Moon conjunct Neptune. The element of water is amplified with themes of ripening emotions and a yearning for the numinous. We may feel overwhelmed or confused, unless we are attuned to higher spiritual truths and our own inner peace.

During the eclipse season we often experience twists of fate. What we expect may not happen, and what we don’t expect may surprise us. Neptune has the effect of dissolving which may manifest as dissolving something we hoped for, as much as it could dissolve barriers to miracles and deliver something we had given up on or never dreamed possible.

The sacrifice of personal desires to be in service of higher responsibilities is one theme as Saturn is co-present. It may seem impossible to put all the messiness in order, which can bring up feelings of incompetence, guilt or shame.

Pisces wants us to surrender to the present moment, tune out the chaos and attune to the stillness within. Gratitude, atonement and compassion can be saving graces at this time.

Mars squaring the Nodes suggests impulsive actions or aggression are activated. Mercury opposite Saturn puts pressure on the mental realm or the need for serious conversations with authority figures or elders.  

Venus in relationship Libra can offer some ease with diplomatic relating, particularly as she is conjunct the fixed star Spica, associated with talent, art and social graces.

As the Moon is conjoined the North Lunar Node in Aries, the effects of the Lunar Eclipse is one of growth and progress, even if it might not appear this way at first. 

The eclipse lasts 4 hours, which means the effects will unfold over the next 4 months. The house in your natal chart where this eclipse falls will continue to offer transformative experiences over the coming months.

For a limited time, I'm offering Eclipse Season Transformation Readings so that you can gain insight on what this eclipse season means for your personal horoscope. Visit 


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