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March 2021 Starcast

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2021

As we glide into March, we sense the momentum gaining traction toward a new season and a new horizon. Lots of Mutable energy keeps us on our feet and all planets are direct, providing a sense of progress in the air.

Mars’ entry into Gemini on March 4 shifts the action planet from the plodding Earth of Taurus into the Air sign of Gemini where he’s quicker on his feet and able to pivot and respond more nimbly. While this can be a welcome change from the past couple of months of drudgery, we’ll want to watch our combative knee-jerk reactions, especially in communication, as Mars squares Mercury.

The first half of March has a numinous quality as the Sun, Venus, and eventually Mercury dance with dreamy Neptune in ethereal Pisces. Neptune elevates to ordinary into the ideal, a yearning for romance, or a soul craving for inspiration beyond this world. The Pisces New Moon seeks escape, retreat and a sweet reset.

We're in between the eclipse seasons of Nov/Dec and the upcoming May/June eclipses. The Sun and Venus square the Lunar Nodes and their karmic significance is amplified. The mutations in relationships carries impact. What needs to be sacrificed, and what must be honored as sacred? 

The astrological New Year begins at the March 20 Equinox as the Sun enters Aries and ushers in Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun, Venus and Chiron meet in the fiery sign at the Libra Full Moon, an illumination of the healing needed in relationships as wounds are revealed.

I’ll be discussing the month-ahead astrology in more depth in our monthly Radiant Astrology Soul Circle webinar on Sunday, March 7. Join the membership for our monthly circles, mini-readings and giveaways at www.radiantastrology.com.


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