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8 Tips to Amplify Your Astrology Session with Me

Uncategorized Jun 03, 2022

Whether you're new to astrology or have followed it for years, it always helps to arrive a bit prepared for an astrology reading - and to get to know more about the astrologer you're entrusting your time with.

Here's my 8 Tips to Amplify Your Astrology Session with Me...

1 - Focus on what's most important in your life, right now.

My Astrological Guidance Sessions are designed to help you gain clarity around some of your most challenging issues - those which will have an impact on your life and future.

While astrology is used as a guide, this is not an astrology tutoring session to learn everything you ever wanted to know about your past life, current lifetime and future potential - in 1 hour! So rather than letting curiosity get the best of you and leave you overwhelmed and even more confused than when you came to your session, it's best to focus on what's most important in your life at this time in order to gain valuable clarity.

When you book a session, the Client Intake Form will ask you to consider 1-3 issues to have in mind that you'll want to focus on for your 1-hour or 90-minute session. These could change by the date of your session (and often do), but it's a good idea to prime the unconscious for areas of focus.  

2 - Schedule a session near your birthday
This is one of the most frequent questions I get asked - 'when is the best time to schedule a reading?' If you are in a period of transition, then any time you feel called is really the perfect time. However, astrologically speaking, your birthday is your annual solar return (sometimes the day prior to your birthday) when the Sun returns to your natal Sun. The chart cast for that moment can provide great insight into important themes for the year ahead, so a birthday reading is good for an overall view for the coming year.

3 - Get to know me and my policies.
You can learn more about me on my website, including my background and client testimonials.  Prior to booking a session, be sure you are aware of my policies regarding refunds, cancellations, re-scheduling etc and are comfortable with them. While it's rare we'll need to revert to them, clear expectations serve to protect us both.

4 - Know my areas of expertise - and what I don't offer.
I specialize in helping individuals explore self-awareness, heal self-worth issues, find their creative spark, transform through shadow work and access their inner knowing. I am trained in Co-Active life coaching and evolutionary astrology. My clients are both men and women - most tend to be in their mid-30's to early-60's - who are on a path of self-discovery, transformation and empowerment. Areas of focus by my clients vary but are often centered around personal development, career, relationships and empowerment.

What I don't offer: I am not a licensed mental health counselor or therapist. I do not offer health astrology, astrocartography (locational astrology), Horary answers for yes/no questions and outcomes, nor Electional astrology for finding important dates such as weddings. These are specialized areas and if you are seeking these types of astrological techniques, you can research online for the appropriate astrologer for your needs.

5 - Prepare for an audio session.
My sessions are now audio-only via Zoom, camera off. Connecting without the pressure of visual cues can be much more liberating, increases focus on the conversation and allows for a deeper experience of the Soul to emerge. And let's face it, in this post-lockdown era most of us are burnt out on video calls. Audio-only sessions tend to be much more of a nourishing experience and I find my clients are much more at ease with saying what is truly in their hearts. Exceptions can be made for those who are deaf, hard of hearing or need to read lips to understand English.

6 - Collaborate with me.
Clients who seem to get the most from these sessions have been doing their own self-reflection - sometimes using their Natal Chart as a guide, sometimes journaling. Feel free to bring either if it helps you focus. Astrology is the framework of the session, but it's important we go beyond the symbols into the meaningful areas of your life and Soul's intentions.

Whatever your skill level in astrology is, it's perfectly fine. It's up to me to help interpret the symbols into meaningful guidance. Your job is to help me to see how it is playing out in real-time in your life. I'm not a psychic and the astrological symbols can play out in numerous ways, so the more that you and I can collaborate on the unfolding of your destiny, the better. As you can see from my client testimonials, I pride myself on confidentiality, objectivity and deep listening.

7 - Allow the processing to continue after the session.
Think of the Astrological Guidance Session as the catalyst for illumination and the potential for change. Don't underestimate what deep inquiry and high-mileage questions can help to unleash in the psyche. Oftentimes, just hearing yourself say something aloud that has been held in your heart can be profoundly transformative.

I often recommend that immediately after the session, you leave at least an hour to silently process. Over the next 3 days or so, take note of your thoughts and ideas as you continue to integrate the session. It's especially important to pay attention to your dreams - keep a dream journal by your nightstand and write what you remember when you wake up, even if it doesn't make much sense at first. This is how the Soul speaks to your consciousness. 

8 - Consider ongoing support
It's natural for most people to want to book a session with a well-known astrologer to see what this 'wise one' has to say about their destiny. However, while one-off sessions and astro-surfing can be fun, they can only take you so far on your journey of self-awareness.

If you're seeking to understand your personal arc of transformation and gain clarity on your Soul's callings, then you'd benefit from ongoing 1-1 Astrological Guidance, monthly or quarterly. The more you can reflect on the greater themes of your life with a trusted astrologer, the more you can learn to recognize your own inner guidance.

Ready to Book an Astrological Guidance Session?
I offer insightful and confidential 1-1 Astrological Guidance Sessions via Zoom audio, with limited availability on weekdays. Clients receive an audio recording and a copy of their Natal Chart within 24 hours after your session is complete.

You can book a 1-hour Astrological Guidance Session or a 90-minute Expanded Insight Session. The longer session is ideal for those seeking deeper insight as well as for those with more advanced knowledge who would like to explore additional techniques with Progressions. Please specify any requests in your Intake Form.

Book a Series and Save. Clients who book a package of session receive a deep discount per session. Contact info at radiantastrology dot com for rates on packages of 3 or more sessions.


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